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Industry and CBT

Writer:  Creative Engineers, Inc. Creative Engineers, Inc.

Computer-Based Training in the Industry has always served a purpose when it is appropriate. As of recent, it has become even more of a necessity. While it has always had its place, it can somewhat be complicated in speaking, but it does not have to be, so let’s discover part of its purpose and find the “why”.

In our scenario, you have a chemical plant. This plant has confined spaces, hot work, lock-outs, haz-comm, and all OSHA-required programs similar to what is required for other well-operated plants throughout the United States. While your plant is functioning well and everything is on track, the need for new hires occurs and training for HSE and compliance must occur regardless of age, experience, and previous training. For this scenario, our new hires are a 43-year-old welder and a 20-year-old local tech graduate with an associate’s degree. Do you take an hour for each training required by your plant and by OSHA and believe them to have the ability to work safely on a hot or confined permit after these run-through training?

Absolutely not!

One size fits all training does not work and will cause your company more harm than good. This means that while you have reviewed the required materials, you have not properly accessed the knowledge and skills retained or managed to properly apply the retained knowledge, skills, and procedures. The welder may be perfectly able to perform under such circumstances, however, the new hire may not even know, understand, or be able to apply the jargon that comes along with the job.

What do we do now?

Many plants handle this by having an onboarding process. Everyone, even those with experience, goes through a process where they are exposed and introduced to required topics and training along with on-the-job training, hands-on training, and sign-offs. As time progresses, they are slowly allowed more and more responsibility once they demonstrate the appropriate knowledge, skill, and application of that knowledge and skill. While this is swell, how does computer-based training fit in?

Think of computer-based training as a way to review something an individual should already know, not necessarily as a means to teach an entirely new, extensive concept or task. Computer-based training is the perfect solution for refresher training. While you would teach them lock-out in person with hands-on training, you would be able to follow up with their retention of the initial information six (6) months down the road.

Other benefits and excellent features of computer-based training are the ability to transmit the same information over and over again regardless of time and distance. Computer-based training works well for briefing incoming visitors, and contractors, and verifying and providing digital evidence of who has completed training verifications and viewed announcements or updates. When working within your training programs, remember to use computer-based training in tandem with on-the-job and hands-on training to help boost safety, and productivity, and keep your business running healthily and safely.


Written by Grant Wooten



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